syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan hidayahnya sehingga
penulis dapat menyelesaikan laporan homestay sebagai syarat kunjungan
industry dan memenuhi tugas sekolah.
kedua, penulis juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada sekolah tercinta,
SMTI Yogyakarta, yang telah mengadakan kegiatan homestay. Selaku
kepala sekolah, Ibu Tri Ernawati.
lupa penulis juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada orang tua, guru,
dan teman teman yang telah memberikan saran dan semangat kepada
13 Maret 2013
Marianna Raharja Santosa)
diadakan di desa Lopati, Srandakan Bantul dalam rangka mendidik
karakter para siswa untuk lebih mandiri dalam menjalankan segala
aktifitasnya sehingga kelak di masa depan hidup tidak bergantung pada
orag lain. Pada kegiatan homestay ini juga bertujuan untuk melatih
siswa dalam bersosialisasi kepada orang lain dan berwirausaha
bagaimana usaha / jerih payah mendapatkan sepeser uang sehingga
karakter siswa terbentuk untuk selalu mandiri dan menghargai setiap
jerih payah.
- Berlatih dan belajar hidup bersosialisasi, hidup sederhana, dan hidup mandiri
- Menerapkan pelajaran kewirausahaan, APIK, PIK, dan PKn
- Ikut merasakan dan andil mengikuti aktifitas dan budaya di Desa Lopati, Srandakan, Bantul.
penulisan laporan homestay
- Menyelesaika tugas sekolah
- Sebagai syarat mengikuti kunjungan industry
pelaksanaan dan Lokasi
- Homestay diaksanakan pada tahun 2013 dilaksanakan di Desa Lopati, Srandakan,Bantul. Homestay dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 – 3 Maret 2013.
1 Maret 2013
hari pertama kami siswa – siswi SMTI Yogyakarta jurusan Kimia
Industri berkumpul di halaman SMTI untuk bersiap – siap berangkat
menuju tempat homestay di Desa Lopati, Srandakan ,Bantul. Kami
berkumpul pada pukul 07.30 WIB dan berangkat sekitar pukul 09.00 WIB.
Sebelum kami berangkat ,kami diberkian pengarahan oleh Bapak Djoko
Waluyo dan Bapak Fakhrudin, selaku pendamping kegiatan homestay.
berangkat menggunakan Bis dan tiba di lokasi homestay sekitar pukul
10.30 WIB. Kemudian kami berkumpul di balai desa, kami disambut
dengan senang dan sopan ,lalu kami disediakan tempat duduk di sebuah
joglo untuk mengikuti acara penyambutanoleh kepala desa. Dan
dilanjutkan dengan pembagian kelompok dan penyerahan siswa – siswi
didik kepada orang tua asuh.
–masing kelompok terdiri dari 5 – 6 kelompok, sedangkan kelompok
kami terdiri dari siswa ,yaitu:
- F . X Mahatma Mahardika
- Fausta Arba Adventus Lahiroi
- Fikki Laili Arifianto
tua asuh kami bernama Bapak Ferry, beliau berprofesi sebagai
pengusaha mie letheg di Desanya, Setelah pembagian kelompok kami
berfoto bersama orang tua asuh dan segera ke rumah Pak Ferry dengan
dirumah pukul 12.00 kami dipersilahkan untuk menuju kamar kami yang
sudah disediakan, setelah itu kami diajak dikenalkan dengan alat –
alat industry seperti : hydraulic, oven, dll. Setelah itu jam 13.00
kami ISHOMA. Setelah ISHOMA kami mencetak mie dan memasukan cetakan
mi eke dalam oven yang sangat besar. Sambil menunggu cetakan mie
dioven, kami mengangkat mie yang sudah dijemur sampai kering ke dalam
tempat penyimpanan. Setelah itu kami sholat ashar dan yang
dilanjutkan dengan ISOMA. Orang – orang dirumah Pak Ferry sangat
ramah, bahkan kamipun pada hari pertama diberi makan – makanan yang
sangat lezat.
2 Maret 2013
bangun pukul 05.00 dan langsung melaksanakan sholat subuh seperempat
jam dan dilanjutkan dengan jogging bersama teman – teman di
pinggiran kali progo untuk menikmati suasana yang sangat sejuk. Tak
hanya jogging ,kamipun mulai tertarik untuk memancing, dan kebetulan
sekali salah satu dari teman kami ada yang membawa pancingan, dan
kamipun memancing, 1 pancing untuk bersama dan hasilnya pun kami
mendapatkan ikan nila 1 tetapi kecil.
kegiatan memancing, kami pulang kerumah Pak Ferry dan membantu
membuat mie letheg dari pengemasan ,penimbangan, penjemuran pada mie
yang belum kering, pengovenan ,pengemasan, pencampuran adonan
menggunakan tenaga sapi bahkan 2 teman kami diajak untuk pengiriman
ke Pasar Beringharjo . setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan ISHOMA dan
dilanjutkan dengan melihat orgen tunggal. Dan setelah melihat orgen
tunggal pukul menunjukkan jam 22.00 dan kami kembali ke rumah Pak
Ferry dan siap – siap untuk tidur.
,3 Maret 2013
bangun pukul 05.00 dan seperti hari kemarin, kami melaksanakan sholat
subuh dan dilanjutkan jalan – jalan pagi melihat teman – teman
kami dirumah lain. Setelah pukul menunjukkan 08.00, kami kembali ke
rumah Pak Ferry untuk mandi dan makan dan setelah itu kami membantu
sebentar untuk pengemasan produk mi letheg dan pencampuran adonan,
lalu dilanjutkan dengan pengovenan hingga pukul 10.30. setelah itu
kami beres – beres untuk kembali ke joglo untuk mengikuti acara
perpisahan dan lepas kenang oleh orang tua asuh.
acara kami selesai kami pun berpamitan salim tangan kepada seluruh
anggota dan memasuki bis masing – masing. Kami sampai disekolah
pada pukul 16.00 WIB dan pulang untuk menuju rumah masing – masing.
yang penulis lakukan berjalan lancer tanpa halangan apapun dan
berjalan bagus.
sudah berjalan dengan baik, namun alangkah lebih baik jika guru
pendamping lebih sering menjenguk anak didiknya. Dan juga hari
dilaksanakan kegiatan homestay terlalu singkat
pelaksanaan homestay seharusnya di sesuaikan dengan waktu kesibukan
orangtua asuh, sehingga kita tidak banyak menganggur.
kegiatan homestay dapat memberi pengaruh positif terhadap siswa dan
siswa dapat mengambil pelajaran yang bermanfaat..
to Allah SWT who has given his guidance so I can finish the report as
a condition homestay industry visits and meet school work.
the authors also thank the dear school, SMTI Yogyakarta, which has
held the homestay. As principal, Mrs. Tri Ernawati.
not forget authors also thank the parents, teachers, and friends who
have given advice and encouragement to the author.
13 Maret 2013
( Fuji
Marianna Raharja Santosa )
Homestay held in the village Lopati, Srandakan Bantul in order to educate the character of the students to be more independent in carrying out their activities so that someday in the future life does not depend on other people. At homestay activity also aims to train students in social entrepreneurship to others and how the business / labor get a penny so the character of students formed to always independent and appreciate every effort.
The purpose Homestay
• Practice and learn social life, simple living, and independent living
• Applying the lessons of entrepreneurship, APIK, PIK, and Civics
• Participate feel and share following the activities and culture of the village Lopati, Srandakan, Bantul.
The purpose of writing homestay
• Complete school work
• As a condition to follow industry visits
Homestay held in the village Lopati, Srandakan Bantul in order to educate the character of the students to be more independent in carrying out their activities so that someday in the future life does not depend on other people. At homestay activity also aims to train students in social entrepreneurship to others and how the business / labor get a penny so the character of students formed to always independent and appreciate every effort.
The purpose Homestay
• Practice and learn social life, simple living, and independent living
• Applying the lessons of entrepreneurship, APIK, PIK, and Civics
• Participate feel and share following the activities and culture of the village Lopati, Srandakan, Bantul.
The purpose of writing homestay
• Complete school work
• As a condition to follow industry visits
Implementation time and location
Homestay implemented in 2013 held in the village of Lopati, Srandakan, Bantul. Homestay held on March 1 to 3, 2013.
March 1, 2013
our first day students - students SMTI Yogyakarta majoring in
Chemical Industry SMTI gathered in the courtyard to prepare - ready
to go to the place in the village homestay Lopati, Srandakan, Bantul.
We assembled at 07.30 pm and left around 09.00 am. Before we left, we
were give briefed by Mr Djoko Waluyo and Mr. Fakhrudin, as companion
homestay activities.
set out to use bus and arrived at the scene around 10:30 pm homestay.
Then we gathered in the village hall, we were greeted with happy and
polite, and we were provided a seat in a joglo to attend the
head. And continued with the distribution and delivery of student -
student learners to foster parents.
group consisted of 5-6 groups, whereas our group consisted of
students, namely:
F. X Mahatma Mahardika
Fausta Arba Adventus Lahiroi
Fikki Laili Arifianto
Fuji Marianna Raharja Santosa
foster parents named Mr. Ferry, he worked as a businessman in his
village letheg noodles, after the division of our group pictures with
foster parents and soon to Mr. Ferry with his car.
home at 12.00 we were welcome to go to our room which was provided,
after which we were invited to be introduced to the tools - tools
industry such as: hydraulic, oven, etc.. After that we ISHOMA 13.00.
After we scored ISHOMA noodles and insert molding eke noodles in a
very large oven. While waiting for the noodles mold oven, we lift the
noodles that have been dried in the sun to dry in a storage area.
After that we prayed Asr and continued with ISOMA. People - the home
Mr. Ferry was very friendly, even on the first day we also fed - the
food was delicious.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
We woke up at 5:00 and immediately implement a quarter-hour and morning prayers followed by jogging with friends - friends in the suburbs times Progo to enjoy a very cool atmosphere. Not just jogging, we also became interested in fishing, and just so happens that one of our friends there who took inducement, and we also fishing, fishing for joint 1 and the results we get 1 but small tilapia.
After fishing, we go home Mr. Ferry and help make noodles letheg of packaging, weighing, drying the noodles were not dry, pengovenan, packaging, mixing dough using cow power even 2 friends invited us for delivery to Beringharjo market. after that followed by ISHOMA and continued by looking at a single organ. And after seeing a single organ shows at 22:00 pm and we returned to the house of Mr Ferry and ready - ready for bed.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
We woke up at 5:00 and immediately implement a quarter-hour and morning prayers followed by jogging with friends - friends in the suburbs times Progo to enjoy a very cool atmosphere. Not just jogging, we also became interested in fishing, and just so happens that one of our friends there who took inducement, and we also fishing, fishing for joint 1 and the results we get 1 but small tilapia.
After fishing, we go home Mr. Ferry and help make noodles letheg of packaging, weighing, drying the noodles were not dry, pengovenan, packaging, mixing dough using cow power even 2 friends invited us for delivery to Beringharjo market. after that followed by ISHOMA and continued by looking at a single organ. And after seeing a single organ shows at 22:00 pm and we returned to the house of Mr Ferry and ready - ready for bed.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
We woke up at 5:00 and like yesterday, we perform the dawn prayer and continued down the road - the road in the morning to see friends - our friends at home another. After the 8:00 pm show, we returned to the house of Mr Ferry to shower and eat and then we helped briefly to letheg noodle product packaging and mixing the dough, followed by pengovenan up at 10.30. after that we went wrong - wrong to return to joglo to attend a farewell and remembers separated by foster parents.
After the show we were done we had to say goodbye to all members salim hand and entered the bus each - respectively. We reached the school at 16.00 am and headed back to their homes - respectively.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
We woke up at 5:00 and like yesterday, we perform the dawn prayer and continued down the road - the road in the morning to see friends - our friends at home another. After the 8:00 pm show, we returned to the house of Mr Ferry to shower and eat and then we helped briefly to letheg noodle product packaging and mixing the dough, followed by pengovenan up at 10.30. after that we went wrong - wrong to return to joglo to attend a farewell and remembers separated by foster parents.
After the show we were done we had to say goodbye to all members salim hand and entered the bus each - respectively. We reached the school at 16.00 am and headed back to their homes - respectively.
Homestay is how I did went smoothly without any hitch and runs great.
Homestay has been good, but it would be better if the teachers accompanying their students to visit more often. And also the day homestay activities carried too short
The timing of the homestay should be adjusted with foster parents rush hour, so we did a lot of unemployed.
Hopefully homestay activities can positively impact on the students and the students can take useful lessons .....
Homestay is how I did went smoothly without any hitch and runs great.
Homestay has been good, but it would be better if the teachers accompanying their students to visit more often. And also the day homestay activities carried too short
The timing of the homestay should be adjusted with foster parents rush hour, so we did a lot of unemployed.
Hopefully homestay activities can positively impact on the students and the students can take useful lessons .....
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